
James Turk's brainchild, GoldMoney, has turned out to beat the competition in reliability, seriousness, and convenience.

GoldMoney is not used as a payment method in gaming operations as many of the other online gold currencies are, and it is one of only two issuers that conducts annual audits of its gold holdings performed by independent auditors.

Online merchants can open a GoldMoney holding (the description the company uses instead of the term "account") for free. After becoming "CAP verified" ("CAP" stands for "Customer Acceptance Policy") you can then generate the code you need to insert in your web site to be able to accept online payments in gold. You can go directly to GoldMoney's website by clicking here .

For non-merchants (or even for merchants who want to add to the gold holdings their business generates or who want to open a personal holding) the best current use for GoldMoney "goldgrams" (or "gg"s) is in the form of its Gold Accumulation Program .

The program uses the very effective method of cost-averaging to consistently increase the value of your investment and protect you from selling at the wrong time during unexpected downturns.